Fostering Innovation Through Young Innovators Programme (YIP)
Mar 18, 2022
The Kerala Development and Innovation Strategy Council, (K-DISC) is a strategic think-tank and advisory body constituted by Government of Kerala. K-DISC aims at bringing out plans that reflect new directions in the state, in areas such as:
Product and process innovations
Social shaping of technology
Creating a healthy and conducive ecosystem for fostering innovations
The organization plays a major role in fostering innovation in the State of Kerala through initiatives that are designed to find solutions to many challenges faced by people in the state. K-DISC thus embodies the hopes and aspirations for a brave new Kerala.
Some of the initiatives of K-DISC supported by mByom include Young Innovators Programme 2021 and One District One Idea (ODOI), among various other projects like Kerala Food Platform (KFP), One Local body One Idea (OLOI), etc.
Young Innovators Programme 2021 (YIP 2021)
Young Innovators Programme is a flagship of Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC). The programme aims to empower future innovators to innovate new products, services or models to meet emerging requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs of the society more effectively through a unique challenge.
YIP aims at promoting a culture of innovation among students aged between 13 and 35. mByom was involved in strategic planning and development for the fourth edition of this project (YIP 2021).
The programs coordinated by mByom, on behalf of K-DISC ensured that smooth functioning of the initiative took place, involving various stakeholders. The team members played a key role in planning, tracking registration and organizing various workshops and roadshows throughout the state.